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目前分類:linux (29)

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2013-12-06 [linux]kill more than one process use ps aux grep awk (26) (0)
2013-12-05 [linux] 引數列項目過長 argument list too long (121) (0)
2013-12-05 [linux]system argv maximum length (105) (0)
2013-12-05 [git]git pull 遇到 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: (58) (0)
2013-10-02 [eclipse][ubuntu] eclipse cant not start java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons: (14) (0)
2013-09-17 [linux]settup passwordliess login (5) (0)
2013-09-04 [mysql] primary key AUTO_INCREMENT reset (128) (0)
2013-08-27 [linux] mac divvy like on linux (8) (0)
2013-08-19 [linux][puppet] puppet local mode (5) (0)
2013-08-13 [linux] easy_install Python.h error (35) (0)
2013-08-02 [linux][gcin] 導出 gcin 詞庫 字典 (38) (0)
2013-05-16 [git]取消 git add 之後 的 file / remove add file(stage) to unstage (997) (0)
2013-04-30 [linux]ssh passwordless login authorized_keys permission (18) (0)
2013-03-26 [git] ! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward) (31) (0)
2013-03-25 [ubuntu] ubuntu 12.04 read exfat (23) (0)
2013-03-06 [db]show tables in postgresql (16) (0)
2013-01-02 [ubuntu]12.04 gcin add icon到 狀態列 (139) (0)
2013-01-02 [ubuntu]Add public key behind a firewall in Ubuntu (3) (0)
2012-12-22 [linux]PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found (32) (0)
2012-12-11 [puppet]如何使用 Example42 的 Puppet 模块 | vpsee.com http://www.vpsee.com/2012/05/using-puppet-modules-from-example42/ (9) (0)
2012-12-11 [puppet]puppet import include (15) (0)
2012-12-10 [puppet]puppet plusignment "+>" (2) (0)
2012-12-10 [puppet]puppet note :: The double colon that divides the sections of a class’s name is called the namespace separator. (4) (0)
2012-11-26 [rvm] install ruby rvm (9) (0)
2012-11-22 [redis]#error "Newer version of jemalloc required" make error (74) (0)
2012-11-22 [linux]usermod set home dir (10) (0)
2012-11-19 [ruby][cent os]bundle install error /usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at /usr/lib/ruby/ruby.h (11) (0)
2012-11-19 [linux] gnome-ssh-askpass git Gtk-WARNING (129) (0)
2012-11-15 [centos]which: no tclsh8.5 redis (10) (0)